It was whilst undertaking inclusive research in autonomous vehicle interaction design, at the Transportation Research Group, that I read the book ‘Invisible Women’ by Caroline Criado-Perez. This opened my eyes to the extent of gender inequity and how I may have unknowingly been part of the problem by working on projects in male dominated domains, whose remit typically designed ‘by default for males’. I felt a call to action and responded by founding this group ‘Close the Data Gap: Gender Equity in Transport Research’. Delighted with the response and commitment of my academic colleagues I know we are going to create change in our corner of the world to tackle this critical global issue. My passion is to show how systems shape lives, and to highlight where change is needed to promote a fair and sustainable world. I’ve been working in academic research related to Human Factors in multiple domains (domestic energy, aviation, military, rail, automotive) for over 12 years, following a career at Microsoft Ltd. I hold degrees in Psychology (University of Exeter University), Industrial Design (Brunel University London) and a PhD in Human Factors (University of Southampton). I’ve published extensively in journal papers, have co-authored 4 books and was jointly awarded the Annual Aviation Safety Prize by the Honourable Company of Air Pilots and the Air Pilots Trust. I’m a member of the HF and Sustainable Development Technical Committee and my research focus moving forward will be on sustainability, equality and wellbeing. My ambition is to create a consortium of like-minded people to make these values inherent in the key systems of society, and use creative approaches to attract joyous change. In other news – I’m a visual artist, I love animals (including my husband, 3 boys and 3 cats) and yoga, and perish without a daily walk in nature, a coconut latte and at least 3 excellent books on the go…