Imagine a world where your gender doesn’t limit your mobility…

We are a group of researchers from the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton who are taking action to create a fairer world. Check out our vision below – is this the sort of world you would like? Let us know on twitter @closethedatagap or get in touch via email on if you would would like to find out more, collaborate, or would like us to promote the work you are doing to close the gender data gap in transport research.

Our group recognises a spectrum of genders. We believe that by focusing on the needs of under-represented groups that transport and mobility will be improved for all. We are committed to continually improve accessibility and security on this site.

A woman-only car parking space utilised in South Korea. The parking space is painted with pink lines and a pink female figure is situated in the centre.
Image Credit

Our Vision

Imagine a world where your gender doesn’t limit your mobility. Where convenient and comfortable travel is the norm.  Imagine if CCTV, brightly lit train platforms, bus stops, and ferry terminals meant everyone felt secure travelling alone. Where the routes and timetables of buses supported trip-chaining and gave equal priority to health, domestic and caring needs as employment and leisure. If train ticketing discounted travel for part-time and ad-hoc commutes or daytime journeys. Imagine if those pregnant or caring for the young or elderly could use train platforms without concerns over their accessibility. If there was consistent and convenient access to ‘public conveniences and nursing rooms until the journey destination. Imagine if the safety tests on your car meant women were just as protected, from serious injury and death during collisions, as men. 

Imagine a world where transport policy was based on transport research that accommodated the differing needs of women from men. In this world, the collection of gender balanced data samples would be the standard practice, and disaggregation of data by gender would be essential. Imagine if we all worked together to close the gender data gap in transportation research. Will you join us to help create a better world? 

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