If you work in transport research, you are working with gender bias. You can do your bit to create a fairer world by helping to close the gender data gap. The graphic and table below highlights key areas to consider where the needs and experiences of users differ considerably by gender. Considering these factors at the outset will provide the opportunity to understand how to better serve everyone, or identify clearly whose needs will not be served, and why.

The table below key gender related factors that we have identified to influence the use of different transport systems. We illustrate these with some examples. This content is based on a publication by the Close the Data Gap team. When using the content on this page, please cite
Katie J. Parnell, Kiome A. Pope, Sophie Hart, Erinn Sturgess, Rachel Hayward, Pauline Leonard& Kirsten Madeira-Revell (2022) ‘It’s a man’s world’: a gender-equitable scoping review of gender, transportation, and work, Ergonomics, 65:11, 1537-1553, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2022.2070662